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Launching a new wrestling website alongside Tanner1495, Chris Gibbins, and Dan Rice.

Some of the goals of the site include having a home for the sort of writing we don't see a ton of out there right now. Or that exist more on personal blogs. Building a community of folks to bring something forward. Later this week we are also launching ways for folks to be able to support the site financially so we can see how we can truly pay people going forward. We aren't going to turn the site into something people can turn into their day job but if we are lucky, maybe this gets into side hustle territory for folks.

So far we already announced the VIOLENT PEOPLE 100 which lives in the lineage of the WKO100, WDKW100, and TheChris100. Love lists and excited to see that happen. Also seeing great pieces and reviews already. Expecting a lot more of that going forward as well as a home for community projects.

Hope folks will check it out!

C&D Counties

https://violentpeople.co/aja-kong-vs-yumiko-hotta-an-exercise-in-cruelty/Kong vs Hotta Anniversary Review


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