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[2005-02-21-WWE-RAW] Randy Orton & Shawn Michaels vs Edge & Christian

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This was much better than the Orton vs. Christian match from the week before and the type of roll-out-of-bed crowd pleaser that WWE workers do so well. It was a reunion of sorts for the Edge and Christian team, which JR smartly tapped into and even Edge's hammy acting and Christian's corny Captain Charisma shtick couldn't derail the premise. Lots of quick tags, lots of exciting action, and even an RKO chant from the crowd. Was t Was the WWE wrong to turn Orton? Inquiring minds wish to know. There's no way if you tuned into this in February 2005 that you wouldn't have been entertained. 

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I had always believed the idea that Orton wasn't clicking as a face around 2004-5 until I actually went out of my way to watch the Raw episodes from this period. He's over. More natural and complete as a heel, sure, but definitely not a misfire like his face run in 2010. That being said, it was probably for the best that Orton's push was cut short so that Batista and Cena could be the top faces of each brand. 

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