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[2005-04-23-FIP-Violence is The Answer] Homicide vs CM Punk (Anything Goes Match)

ohtani's jacket

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This must have caught me in a good mood as it was a hell of a lot better than I was expecting. The reason that I like it more than a lot of the other Homicide vs. Punk FIP bouts is that it was worked in an Armory, which meant that there wasn't a ton of room for them to walk around the area. Instead, they were forced to work a classic indy house show match in front of a tiny crowd, and I thought they excelled at that. There was a high level of crowd engagement and the BS stuff was fun pro-wrestling. I would rather watch Homicide work indy shoot style matches with Low Ki, but it's a feather in both guy's caps that they can work this kind of wrestling 101 match. 

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