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[2005-05-01-WWE-Backlash] Triple H vs. Batista

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This was marginally better than their WrestleMania match but not particularly exciting. I have a high tolerance for Triple H matches, however I don't think he's the right opponent to carry a Batista match. Triple H vs. power guy isn't the first thing that springs to mind when I think of good Hunter matches. Plus, the entire bout was built around the Pedigree, which Lawler kept annoyingly referring to as "The Truth" vs. the Batista Bomb, and the fact that both men only needed a second to apply their finisher. Not exactly the most gripping storyline in WWE history, especially if you consider the Pedigree to be about as interesting as a sledgehammer spot. JR puts Batista over so hard that he's frothing at the mouth, but this feels like a stepdown from the Orton feud. 

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