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[1993-12-27-WCW Starrcade] Rick Rude vs The Boss

Superstar Sleeze

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WCW International World Heavyweight Champion Rick Rude vs The Boss - WCW Starrcade 1993

i read my review for Dustin/Austin before this and I forgot that I found that match to be incomplete just like this match. I reiterate my point from that review, they gave 30 minutes to Sting/Hawk vs Nasties but 10 minutes to this?!? I did watch Nasties for Missy’s entrance and I will say that pink dress might have justified 30 minutes of match time. YOWZA! 

If you are the Boss, you must felt good about the job switch a title shot against the second biggest heel in the company and then a program with the biggest heel in the company and then the Hulkster comes in baby and ruins everything. Super weird match, I thought I was watching a hidden gem and then the match just ended. I think Rude got three offensive strikes in the whole match. Boss puts on a killer offensive performance but then misses his classic straddle and it is a sunset flip and it is just over. No heat segment.  No comeback. Just over. I assume it is due to Rude’s health issues but he had some some long matches earlier in the year. The Boss’ offense was fun and Rude is a master of heel selling. The way he cowers in the corner is great. The Boss has some absolutely killer night Hands and we get a close up and that shit still looked tights. Nice array of slams and a unique spot where he suplex Rude into the ropes on the outside into a tree of woe. 5-10 more minutes with proper heat, comeback and finish and you’re talking the best match of Bossman’s career. 

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