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[2006-01-06-WWE-Smackdown] Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton (Best of Seven Series Match #6)

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In theory, these matches should be getting more exciting as the series goes longer, but they're not. Orton and Benoit have decent chemistry together, however there's only so much they can do if the match isn't laid out in a dramatic fashion. Basically, it finished with another BS ending to set-up the decider as a no-DQ match. That might have been okay if either man was on the verge of winning, but the match never got to that point. I'm not sure what was going on with the booking in the WWE as this kind of stuff is usually their bread and butter. 

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  • ohtani's jacket changed the title to [2006-01-06-WWE-Smackdown] Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton (Best of Seven Series Match #6)

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