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'Locals To Legends Radio' Podcast Interviews Madman Pondo

Gene Jackson of the Locals To Legends Radio podcast posted an interview with Madman Pondo yesterday that's worth a listen, especially for fans of death match wrestling. Topics covered include Pondo's stints in Herb Abrams' UWF and Kick Ass Wrestling in Memphis. Pondo also reflects on Insane Clown Posse, how Girl Fight was formed, $5 Wrestling, and more.  Pondo recently released his autobiography, Memoirs of a Madman, that looks to be a must-read. With a foreword written by Vanilla Ice, Pond



FREE MATCH: Su Yung vs Harlow O'Hara (06-16-18)

Title Match Wrestling has posted a free match to their YouTube channel from Battle Club Pro's Malice at the Palace, which took place on June 16 in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. In this match, Su Yung faces Harlow O'Hara in a Last Woman Standing match. Check it out below. The rest of the card is available with a two-week free trial for new users on Title Match Wrestling's Network. Other matches on the show include: Hudson Envy vs Davienne Tasha Steelz vs Kaitlin Die



WWE.com Goes Avant Garde in Remembrance of ECW

WWE.com has just dabbled in high art with a photo series depicting current wrestlers as ECW performers. This includes Shinsuke Nakamura as Sabu, Lana as The Sandman, Rusev as Cactus Jack, New Day as the Dudley Boyz, and even Asuka as Stevie Richards, among others. You can view the full slideshow here. 



MATCH REVIEW: Jushin Liger vs Great Sasuke (07-08-94)

New Japan Pro Wrestling July 8, 1994 Summer Struggle Sapporo, Japan 9.4 It's a status that in many ways he still holds today. Jushin Liger is simply The Man. He's been The Man for the better part of thirty years in New Japan Pro Wrestling, setting up worthwhile opponents to knock them down. In terms of longevity and match quality, Liger has as strong a case as any wrestler for being the greatest of all time. That reputation was already well established on April 16, 1994, whe



MATCH REVIEW: Ric Flair vs Lex Luger (07-10-88)

Great American Bash 1988: The Price For Freedom Baltimore, Maryland NWA World Heavyweight Championship July 10, 1988 7.5 In Japan, multi-year chases are fairly common, but that has never really translated to American audiences for whatever reason. Chalk it up to the reactionary tendencies of promoters when gates aren't at a certain level. Maybe it's a lack of conviction. Maybe it's even that pro wrestling has always been more of a fad-based interest than a long-term hobby for mos



FREE MATCHES: Proving Ground Pro's No Broken Promises (05-18-18)

Proving Ground Pro has published some of their No Broken Promises show from May 18 in Washington, Illinois, on their YouTube channel. In two first-round matches of the one-night tournament to crown a PGP Cutting Edge Champion, Jake Lander faced Jah C and Tyler Matrix faced Paco Gonzalez. You can watch the matches below.    Let us know what you think of these matches by starting threads to discuss them at the Pro Wrestling Only forums! Are you one of the wrestle



FREE MATCH: Jon Williams vs Rob Killjoy (07-04-18)

Doug Buckner has added a new free match from Platinum Championship Wrestling out of Porterdale, Georgia. This match is from their July 4 This Is A Day For Americans! show, when Jon Williams faced Rob Killjoy. You can watch the match below.  



FREE MATCH: Six-Man Scramble (05-11-18)

Maine independent Limitless Wrestling has posted a new free match to their YouTube channel from their Feed The Need show on May 11. This is a six-man scramble that includes Ace Austin, Kevin Ku, AJ Gray, Jake Parnell, Tony Deppen, and Bolt Brady. Watch it below.   This card is not yet available on DVD, but Limitless Wrestling indicates that it will be. Also on the show: Brody King vs Eli Everfly Ace Romero vs AR Fox Dream Team vs The Rascals vs Anth



FREE MATCH: The Lunatic vs Punisher 747 (07-07-18)

ArticularSK has uploaded a new free match to YouTube on his channel from Global Professional Wrestling, an Illinois-based independent. In this match, The Lunatic takes on Punisher 747. You can watch it below.  



First Episode of Dojo Pro Wrestling Airs on Amazon Prime

In partnership with Ring of Honor, Dojo Pro Wrestling has launched a new TV show that's available on Amazon Prime. The concept show includes a gauntlet where independent wrestlers receive a belt to signify completion of that particular level, only to go to their next match and aim to receive a higher belt, like martial arts starting with a white belt. When a wrestler receives the Dojo Pro Black Belt, he earns a shot at the ROH World Championship.  Eleven of the  wrestlers are: Aaron



MATCH REVIEW: Bret Hart vs 1-2-3 Kid (07-11-94)

In the quarter century that has passed since this match took place, it has become rightfully immortalized, although the environment in which this match was created remains frozen in time. WWF Monday Night RAW 07/11/94 Bushkill, PA WWF World Championship 8.7 In 1994, Bret Hart clearly had a vision for the type of World Champion he wanted to be. He wasn't your older brother's WWF champion. Instead, whether intentionally or not, he was your father's NWA champion, a modern-day Jac



WATCH: AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura (07-09-18)

MasterofMuppets on YouTube has posted a No DQ match between AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura from a house show on July 9 in Augusta, Maine. It was not professionally filmed but was captured by a fan in the audience. Watch while you can!    



FREE MATCHES: Next Evolution Wrestling (06-30-18)

Matches from the Next Evolution Wrestling (NEW) show in Elizabeth City, North Carolina on June 30, have been posted for free on YouTube.   They are: Austin Shadowz vs Dontay Bishop DA Assassin vs Livid the Clown Joe King vs Preston Quinn Wes Rogers vs Jake Hollister Handicap Match: Blunt Force Trauma (Benjamin Money Banks & The Demented Bradley) vs Victor Griff Evolution Championship: Beau Cr



FREE MATCH: Barba Roja, Chris Stone Jr. & Syrus vs Alfa, Angel & Secreto Negro (07-08-18)

The HECTOR GODFREY TV Youtube channel has just uploaded a free match from the Wrestling Martin Calderon show on July 8 at Azteca Arena Budokan. In the opener of the card, Barba Roja, Chris Stone Jr. & Syrus teamed against Alfa, Angel & Secreto Negro.   Also on the card: Emperador Azteca Jr. & Impossible vs Corazon Negro Jr. & Drako Super Comando, Terremoto & Toxico vs Danger, Guerrero Mixtico & Sadico Fly Star & Muneca de Plat



How Matches Are Rated

Why we rate matches The mantra we try to live by here at Pro Wrestling Only is that there are only two types of professional wrestling -- good wrestling and bad wrestling. We profess this because as a medium, pro wrestling has proven that it can connect to people in a way that transcends time, place, and culture. We also believe passionately that no matter when or where new fans reach their point of entry, the most open-minded ones can discover and enjoy great wrestling in all corners of the w



WRESTLING IN SEVENS: Interview with Victor "Victator" Rodgers

This is the first Wrestling In Sevens, a new feature at Pro Wrestling Only where I'll talk to some of the most fascinating fans that I know. The first is with Victor Rodgers, who posts at Victator on the PWO forums and is the author of Chairshot: A Savage Sports Story, available on Amazon. When did you become a wrestling fan? It's difficult to remember a time pro wrestling was not in my life. I can't remember much before I was six. A lot of it feels like a camcorder on low battery



EDITOR'S NOTES: July 8, 2018

What a difference a week makes! I'd like to thank each of you for being so supportive and active during PWO's first week. In the first seven days the site was up and running, we posted a staggering twenty-two match reviews, two features articles, a podcast, and more! I thought I'd use today's update to talk about lessons learned and where we go from here. My real-life background is in content management and it's something I've done a decent amount of, but what I'm aiming to do here is



MATCH REVIEW: Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi vs Masa Fuchi & Yoshinari Ogawa (07-05-92)

Kenta Kobashi and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi are an all-time great babyface tag team, but because of Kobashi's subsequent singles superstardom, they aren't really talked about much at that level. This match -- and frankly, all of their 1992 matches that have made tape -- show much of an oversight that is. July 5, 1992 All Japan Pro Wrestling Summer Action Series Tokyo, Japan All-Asia Tag Team Titles 9.4 The most rewarding part of navigating Kenta Kobashi's extensive body of work is



MATCH REVIEW: Ric Flair vs Ricky Morton (07-05-86)

Ric Flair and Ricky Morton -- two of the most symbolic figures in wrestling -- voluntarily toss reputations aside to prove their mettle. Jim Crockett Promotions NWA Great American Bash July 5, 1986 Charlotte, North Carolina NWA World Heavyweight Title Cage Match 9.5 I don't know if I'd go as far as to say he's taken a beating among hardcore wrestling fans over the last decade, but it's fair to say that a lot of wrestling fans no longer see Ric Flair as infallible. Based



MATCH REVIEW: LA Par-K vs La Parka (07-04-10)

La Parka and La Parka Classic fight over the rights to the name in a real yawner. July 4, 2010 AAA Lucha Libre Worldwide Sin Limite Merida, Mexico 4.0 This was a bit hard to follow much of the time, mostly because they were dressed so similarly. I've seen Super Parka wear the yellow skeleton gimmick and Undertaker-Underfaker at least had purple and gray gloves to distinguish the two of them. It's even harder to follow when Konnan shows up and the RUN-INS commence. I don't ev



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