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MATCH REVIEW: Toshiaki Kawada vs Kenta Kobashi (07-01-89)

Before either man reached solo superstardom, the 1989 Tomorrow League saw Toshiaki Kawada and Kenta Kobashi lay claim to the decade ahead. July 1, 1989 All Japan Pro Wrestling Summer Action Series Saitama, Japan Tomorrow League '89 6.9 Imagine that a new wrestler debuts on WWE television with seemingly endless promise. This wrestler is adored within the company because of his attitude and drive, and virtually everyone sees him as a future superstar. Now imagine that guy lo



MATCH REVIEW: Harley Race vs Terry Funk (07-01-77)

In the scorching heat of a Texas July, Harley Race defended the NWA title against the former champ in a true midsummer night's dream. July 1, 1977 Houston Wrestling Houston, Texas NWA World Heavyweight Championship 9.6 In the post-match promo from Terry Funk, his inner prophet showed, just as it would many times in his career. “I want to be known, not remembered,” Funk demanded, arguing the case for making an impression over being preceded by reputation.  By this time,



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