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Pirata Morgan vs. Masakre (hair vs. hair)

ohtani's jacket


Pirata Morgan vs. Masakre, hair vs. hair, 2/28/92


When I first saw this match I was in awe of Pirata Morgan.


Like most people I saw it as a big time performance from the best wrestler in the world.


This time I'm not so sure.


As awesome as Pirata was, he could've worked the match with one arm tied behind his back. Watching Los Intocables, it's clear that Masakre lacked focus. When you're facing a guy who isn't a great brawler, you've gotta have him fight. You've gotta make him work harder than he usually would. Despite the blood it never seemed like Masakre was kicking his ass, and in a match like this there's a problem with Masakre looking piss weak. The guy didn't have any great charisma. He was never gonna beat Morgan so bad he didn't care if he killed the guy. He only knew to stagger and punch, walk around and hit someone. Still Morgan should've taken the fight to him. It felt like he took the soft option.


It didn't help that PIERROTH was a constant focus on the outside. The camera was on him way too much in this match. He was brilliant, but if he were a manager he'd be killing his guy in the ring.

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Hey OJ, I googled this and your blog entry came up. Crazy to think seven years later and this match still doesn’t have a lot of discussion around it. I watched this yesterday and was blinded by the heat, blood, and Pirata’s bumping, so I overrated it. On rewatch, I found it to be satisfying as it played to my unfair expectations of what I initially look for in a hair match, though I’m not sure if I can be objective, as again, the heat, blood, and bumping is clouding my judgment. Structure wise they kinda played it safe. I thought Masakre had some nice moments, but I think you were right about Masakre’s lack of intensity at times. There were a few moments were Masakre was almost hesitant to go after Morgan, but he did enough, such as attempting his own Muta mist with the Morgan’s blood, that I didn’t think he detracted from this too much. Pierroth’s need for attention is ridiculous, but it only makes me love him more.

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