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Santino Marella© Vs. Antonio Cesaro: ★ ¾

Dolph Ziggler Vs. Chris Jericho: ★ ★ ½

Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane: ★ ¾

The Miz© Vs. Rey Mysterio: ★ ★

Sheamus© Vs. Alberto Del Rio: ★ ★ ¾

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth© Vs. The Prime Time Players: ★ ★ ★ ¼

C.M. Punk© Vs. John Cena Vs. The Big Show: ★ ★ ★ ½

Brock Lesnar Vs. Triple H: ★ ★ ★ ★


Cesaro is as strong as an ox & I'm glad to see him win some gold in WWE. The match was built around the Cobra spot, which was kind of ruined by Cesaro kicking The Cobra sock out of the ring & then Aksana having to run around the ring to put it back into the corner. I was legit impressed with Cesaro deadweight lifting Santino for the Gutwrench Suplex though. That was sick!


I expected a lot more from Jericho/Ziggler but they don't seem to mesh real well. Everything after the Frankensteiner was fine, and there were some cool false finishes, but before that spot there was a lot of miscommunication & confusion. The wrong man went over too. I do suspect, however, that some people will overrate this match solely because of the two men in it (much like I think people will overrate the Daniel Bryan match).


Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane was completely forgettable & seemed rather pointless.


The Miz Vs. Rey Mysterio was too short & the ending seemed odd to me. I feel like Mysterio is still in the dreaded "doghouse" in WWE. This match really needed more time.


Sheamus Vs. Del Rio fell flat at the end, just as it seemed to be getting decent. Del Rio also seemed to be gassed up pretty early, which was weird. Terrible finish. Did they fuck up or something? It just seemed so odd & anti-climatic. I really liked the opening with the brawl leading to the double over-the-top-rope spot. I also thought the ADR top rope single-arm DDT was awesome.


Tag title match impressed me. Kofi is SO good & the PTP have really improved. Pleasantly surprised. I wish this match could have had some more time too.


In the triple threat match, haters be damned, The Big Show stole the show (pun intended). Watching him play Goliath while Punk & Cena played pinball was great. Greatly enjoyed this match until the he double-submission spot. Which was great too, although I wish it didn't lead to the confusing finish. Just an excuse to get AJ some TV time I guess (and good lord did she ever milk it). Really killed the flow of the match though & stopped it from being great.


Maria Menounos wearing a Bob Backlund t-shirt was awesome. Concert bombed, as expected, because wrestling fans are there to see wrestling, not a bad live music performance. Layla is the only diva that can dance.


The main event, well, I won't lie, watching The Beast Incarnate Brockzilla beat the living hell out of Triple H brought a smile to my face. HHH got in so little offense for the majority of the match early on he may as well have been Spike Dudley out there! Although I do think that Brock went to the same well one or two too many times (corner shoulder thrusts, arm-trapped body slams, kimora attempts) early the match definitely picked up later. H³ working Brock's stomach was some great psychology going back to his real UFC problems, & Brock working over the arm of The Game going back to his storyline of breaking it was good too. Easily the Match of the Night & I don't think that was an accident either. Not really sure why they went the referee route instead of just officially making the match No Disqualification. You don't see Hunter tap out often, so that was surprising especially with Brock basically no-selling the second Pedigree.


Tonight to me felt like one of those nights where the boys might have been told to "tone it down" so as not to upstage the main event. Fun show, nothing terribly offensive & the main event really delivered. I think WWE just charges too much for their shows & since this was a "Big four" expectations were probably a little higher. But the main event delivered in my opinion, so worth watching.


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