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... And on to 2008



I finally acquired 2008 TNA and WWE PPV's to continue this project, and then I remembered I had three ROH shows I had to download and watch before I could. This post will cover those shows.


Race To The Top Tournament Night 2- Edison, NJ 7/28/07

Honor Nation- Boston, MA 10/5/07

Unscripted III- Chicago Ridge, IL 12/1/07




Race To The Top Tournament Night 2- Edison, NJ 7/28/07


Having moved ahead in 2007 ROH, I knew that Claudio Castagnoli had won the tournament, but I still needed to watch the show in order to be the completest that I am. The tournament matches were nothing special although El Generico and Claudio, the two finalists had the best matches and ended the night with the best match of the entire show. I tabbed it as a keeper for the 3rd round of re-watches.


The Six Man Mayhem match was forgettable.


The $10,000 Tag Team Challenge match was a joke played for comedy, but the interview exchange to set up the teams with Danielson, Nigel and Becky Bayless was very entertaining.



Honor Nation- Boston, MA 10/5/07


The first three matches were typical ROH early show stuff with the three-way with Nigel, Generico and Hallowicked being the best of the three. Not a great match, but I did enjoy the spot were Nigel gave El Generico a European uppercut as he was attempting his "through-the-turnbuckle" tornado DDT which he then followed up with a Tower of London on the floor.


I meant to mention this in my Race to the Top card overview, but Claudio Castagnoli had really become a great wrestler by this point. I'd peg his improvement to after his return from his aborted WWE signing and cut his hair. He's one of the guys I enjoy watching the most on 2007 ROH. On this show he wrestled Chris Hero and the match is what you would expect, but, for me, Larry Sweeney was the highlight. Such a great talker and fun guy to watch. Perhaps the best thing about Sweeney is he gets his heat the old fashioned way and doesn't have to resort to cussing or vulgar speech like a lot of the wrestlers. Sweeney's highlight here came while Hero and Claudio were brawling on the floor and as they were on the ground Hero picked up a prescription pill bottle he found on the floor and showed it to the referee saying "What's this?" to which Sweeney replied, "That came out of his tights! He's cheating! He's using anabolic steroids!" That was so great and impromptu. Amazing. By the way, it looks as though the bottle looked to a questionable looking couple in the front row.


The rest of the card was solid with one great match between Danielson and Aries. This was the first match of the best of three series for a title shot. I've set it before, but these two have great chemistry with one another and almost always produces a good and different match (compared to their others).


Necro and Jay Briscoe had a good brawl

Age of the Fall squashed ROH school guys

Vulture Squad with debuting member Jigsaw defeated the No Remorse Corps

Morishima beat Steen in the Title Main



Unscripted III- Chicago Ridge, IL 12/1/07


This was originally scheduled to be the Trios Tournament, but bad whether forced the card to be slapped together. This was not a good show, but none of the wrestlers can be blamed for that.


Sara Del Rey v. Lacey was the best thing until the semi-main as Aries/Black was short and nothing spectacular. The Six Man Mayhem was full of prelim guys, Hero/Claudio was same old stuff, Hangmen 3 won basically two squashes and then a no contest when they blooded and hung Delirious with a chain.


Danielson v. Jacobs was the best thing on the show and a "re-watcher."


The main six man tag was a good ending to an off the cuff show.




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