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Yuki Ishikawa vs. Sansyu - BATTLE ARTS 4: PUSH - November 15, 2014

As you'd suspect this was a pretty obvious carry job, kind of like Taue-Nagata or Goldust-Orton. Sansyu really makes you appreciate the things you've grown accustomed to from most puro workers, no one really talks about Super Tiger II as a great worker but he has great kicking technique and makes his stuff look absolutely devastating, Ishikawa is a great seller but there's only so much he can do when about 15% of Sansyu's kicks would look good if he wasn't doing all in his power to put them over. There's a really great moment where Ishikawa locks in a Crossface Chickenwing and just grabs Sansyu's face, it looked super nasty. We got some nice slaps and punches but nothing out of the ordinary. Finishing stretch was pretty dope despite it looking like Ishikawa was grappling with himself, I have zero doubt he'd have a great match against YOSHIHIKO. I'd have it around ***1/4-1/2, it's well worth watching if you rate Ishikawa highly.


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