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MATCH REVIEW: LA Par-K vs La Parka (07-04-10)



La Parka and La Parka Classic fight over the rights to the name in a real yawner.

July 4, 2010
AAA Lucha Libre Worldwide
Sin Limite
Merida, Mexico


This was a bit hard to follow much of the time, mostly because they were dressed so similarly. I've seen Super Parka wear the yellow skeleton gimmick and Undertaker-Underfaker at least had purple and gray gloves to distinguish the two of them. It's even harder to follow when Konnan shows up and the RUN-INS commence. I don't even know if Konnan was booking, but I've decided to blame him anyway since I groaned when he showed up, knowing this was about to become the Over The Edge '98 main event of lucha libre. Don't waste your time.


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