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Orton and Batista in Evolution

Guest TheShawshankRudotion

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Guest TheShawshankRudotion

Both guys had their peak overness with (or against) Evolution. Was their overness because they were associated with HHH - who is such a great character and has such great promos and someone who the fans just hate, that they liked both guys in relation to HHH -, or because they were associated with a group that got lots of attention and storyline focus that it was inevitable for the crowd to like them? Or did they just get over on their natural ability?


I haven't really formed my opinion yet. Give it some thought.

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I think both. HHH is pushed as the most important person in WWE, so anyone is going to get a rub being associated with him, at least to a certain degree. Orton and Batista were movers and shakers when aligned with HHH, and they got the supergroup push as Evolution to match. They said what they were going to do and they did it. I think it's a strong combination of both.

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