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[2006-03-04-PWG-The Hollywood Globetrotters] Super Dragon & Davey Richards vs Jack Evans & Roderick Strong

Phil Schneider

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I was a little hesitant about digging into the Davey Richards tag period, so far I only reviewed Dragon brawls, and a long tags with Davey Richards of all people as his partner was pretty daunting. This however was fucking choice. Jack Evans is really best as American indy Kikuchi and Super Dragon lays a horrific ass kicking on him, stretching him in unnatural ways, dumping him on his neck and beating the grits off him. At one point he just pokes him in the trachea. He also gives him a curb stomp on the side of his neck, and a bunch of different bits of violence I can't even describe.

Evans had some pretty offense, he cracks Richards with one of the best pele kicks I can remember, and hits a spaceman plancha into a 450, which was totally bonkers. Richards was pretty much just doing Benoit shtick here, and kept it pretty simple, he did a little goofus selling, but was in the background enough so he didn't bother me. This did stretch, with three separate long beatdowns on the faces, still when the beatdowns are this nasty I don't mind it. Finish run was pretty exciting and the long finish runs were always what bugged me about PWG and the length here was fine.

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Tag Titles Match

Super Dragon & Davey Richards vs. Roderick Strong & Jack Evans
Most will enjoy this way more than I did; this had some great action with a good pace, but ultimately didn't serve any kind of substance. I reflect back to Strong & Evans challenging Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer at ROH's Manhhatan Mayhem the year before, which was significantly shorter and with superior pacing and execution. While this was the main event for this show, that didn't mean this match NEEDED to go 25-30 minutes in order to be great. It could've easily shaved off 10-15 minutes to be just as good as Jacobs/Whitmer v. Strong/Evans.
Evans took a beating in this one as he should have, and I imagine it was a dream pairing for indy fans at the time to see the vicious dick SD unleash punishment on him. But at no point did Evans sells any limb work or even exhaustion from his beating later. This match also seemed to suffer from too many attempted hot tags, as there were several of them and none of them got a huge crowd pop. I'll never understand SD's mentality during his reign with the green Richards that it was necessary to work such ridiculously long tag matches like they were in fucking mid-90s All Japan.
Make no mistake, the action in this was very good and pretty. I definitely suggest watching it once as the mileage may vary for each viewer.
Rating: less than ***
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