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[2001-11-26-WWF-Raw] Jeff Hardy vs Christian


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Jeff Hardy sells his back injury during the entrance which sets the pace for the whole thing. JR brings up how he injured it and they clued me, watching this match match completely out of context, in on the angle. He went for a bige Swanton of the top of the cage (and missed it) when he could've just won the match by climbing down. Excellent selling performance by Jeff here, Christian ruled too, his punches looked really good. There's a moment here where Hardy goes for his crotch double leg drop but then feeds the transition to Christian by selling his back and Christian just kicks him in the face and-YES! THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT! It's not that hard! Jeff counters an Unprettier into a Twist Of Fate but then once again goes for the Swanton instead of covering Christian, Matt tries to stop him and Christian shoves Matt into Jeff for the finish. This is about as good of a way for them to set up Matt's heel turn as there was and the match was extremely efficient. It's a three minute TV match, and maybe it's three stars when compared to all wrestling ever, for what it was it's great and I recommend you to check it out if you want to see where I'm coming from when I claim Jeff Hardy is this amazing wrestler a couple of days months from now.

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