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[1972-12-30-Joint Promotions] Jim Moser vs Steve Veidor


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This was a quality wrestling match between two highly athletic heavyweights. There was no real hook or storyline to the match, so some might call it a dry technical bout, but there were enough nifty touches for me to enjoy it. Highlights include a dueling chickenwing battle, Veidor looking his arms in quirky fashion to prevent Moser from throwing him, and a few good submission and pin attempts. My favourite bit was a Moser armlock that nearly popped Veidor's wrist. Good match.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1972-12-30-Joint Promotions] Jim Moser vs Steve Veidor
  • 6 years later...

Kent Walton describes this as a preliminary match, which alludes to the incredible depth of talent joint promotions had at the time. This is a really good, friendly contest between two of JPs more athletic wrestlers. There's some good babyface grappling such as Moser and Veider both attempting a chicken wing and voluntarily letting their opponents off the hook when they couldn't lock it in. I enjoyed both men struggling hard to get out of holds, sometimes failing, sometimes succeeding but only after maximum effort. *** 3/4

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