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[2017-07-22-NJPW-G1 Climax] Kenny Omega vs Tama Tonga


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Ioan Morris at PTBN review:



Tama had no remorse in attacking his Bullet Club leader before the bell, ripping off his The Elite t-shirt and throwing it out into the crowd. He used his pace to outmanoeuvre Omega, and clotheslined him on the floor before flapjacking him onto the apron, then he got on the mic and said “Who the fuck is The Elite? If you wanna be in the Bullet Club then you be one of us.” The beatdown continued with a back suplex, punches and a neckbreaker, then he DDT’d the damaged leg of Omega into the mat. Omega made the comeback with a clothesline and some double axehandles, and the leapfrog bulldog earned two. They exchanged frankensteiners, and despite the Bullet Club’s discouragement Omega scored a tope con hilo onto all of them! Uh oh. Back in, a missile dropkick was followed by a deadlift Doctor Bomb for two-count, but the attempted V-Trigger knee was countered to a spear. Elbows back-and-forth, overhead kick from Tama, jumping knee from Omega, and the cross-legged Ushigoroshi landed. The V-Trigger knee connected, but One-Winged Angel countered to a spinning neckbreaker. Shortly thereafter, two more knee strikes from Kenny set up the One-Winged Angel and that was plenty to give Omega the win.

Post-match, Omega kicked at Tama, but everyone Too Sweeted to make up and they hugged. The break-up tease was great, and those moments added a frisson, but the crowd seemed oddly flat for the most part. ***


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