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[2017-06-25-NOAH] Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Atsushi Kotoge


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Similar structure to some of the recent Nakajima title defences, a little chain wrestling, some brawling outside and then the match starts proper. The weight Nakajima puts behind his kicks never ceases to impress me-they're so incredibly sharp, it really shows he is a black belt karateka. This match needed more focus-there weren't really any control segments, and the only things setting it apart from just *getting stuff in* was them building stuff around countering each other's signature maneuvers. And some of the counters were good (Nakajima's particularly-Kotoge's signature spots are very unique in their elaborateness, and the stark contrast of Nakajima just cutting them off with quick head kicks made for a nice visual), but they didn't properly organize it so that moments when those moves were hit later on would feel special, they'd just try them for the second time and be successful. Kotoge's move-set is still quite juniorish and he doesn't have much heavyweight offence other than the headbutt, but that's not necessarily an issue, and after thinking about it I realised even if some of NOAH's heavyweights are smaller there's no one really working like that now other than him. They got the crowd invested without forced nearfalls (in fact the finishing stretch was really minimalistic) so I reckon this is a continuation of positive crowd conditioning. ***1/4

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