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[2000-07-15-MCW-TV] American Dragon vs Reckless Youth


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Good tv match. Reckless shows some cocky moves and Dragon is able to use his wrestling to gain an advantage and frustrate Youth. Dragon is able to baffle Kevin Kelly with a submission attempt but misses a charge into the corner jamming up his knee. After a nice tornado DDT, Youth hits the stun gun and gets the pin with his feet on the ropes. Both of these guys looked like strong prospects here. **

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Kevin Kelly talks about how there’s been a change in attitude of Reckless recently, and that he’s cut a few corners en route to victory. Some solid chain wrestling kicks us off here. Hip toss takedown, arm drag and Reckless starts strutting as if he’s Jackie Fargo. He yells to the crowd that they should cheer when he does that, but all that does is elicit boos. Satellite headscissors and now he’s spinning on his back as though he’s a breakdancer! Inverted vertical suplex by Dragon and a back elbow off the middle turnbuckle. He whips Reckless into the corner, but Youth moves out the way as he comes charging in with a running knee. Dragon screw leg whip. Go behind by Danielson, followed by a beautiful Northern Lights suplex, hooking the leg in the process for a two. He heads upstairs for a moonsault but is too slow on the climb, and Reckless with a Russian leg sweep off the second rope. Tornado DDT for two as Dragon is able to get a shoulder up. Danielson starts to fire back with some running forearms until Reckless ‘hot shots’ him across the top rope before getting the pin with his feet over the middle for added leverage.


Kelly foreshadowed the outcome of this one with his pre-match comments about Youth cutting some corners in his recent victories. Reckless is also starting to show more personality now, fleshing out his character and, from his mannerisms and interactions, you can see that he’s definitely more suited to being a heel.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-15-MCW-TV] American Dragon vs Reckless Youth

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