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[2010-01-17-TNA-Genesis] A.J. Styles vs Kurt Angle

Superstar Sleeze

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TNA World Champion AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle - Genesis 2010

Historically Kurt Angle is AJ Styles' worst opponent because it ends up being a Angle video game instead of a wrestling bout.

Context this is right when Hogan, Bischoff & Flair came in for the reboot. Right before this TNA was on one of their hot streaks with AJ, Daniels & Joe tearing down the house. AJ & Angle are both faces.

-Loved the opening chain wrestling. It was tight & intense. AJ came to play. Good covers.

-I bring it up a lot but people don't talk enough about how damn good AJ's strikes are. Best striker of the 21st Century. Those bone-crushing elbows are Misawa-like.

-AJ had such a great intense demeanor. His execution is par excellence. Backbreaker looked so crisp.

-A good transition! In an Angle match, what! AJ looks to follow to the outside but Angle moves and slams him into the apron.

-Angle did a great job with his Suplex-hold-Suplex heat segment. Catching his breathe while leaning on AJ to set up his next Suplex. AJ sold those suplexes but was fighting out of the holds. Creating energy. I like the double cross body as a leveling the playing field spot.

-This is a face vs face match that feels very Japanese. It is just two pros looking to win the match. No subtle heeling but here comes The Nature Boy.

-AJ hits a swan dive to the floor and it is very claustrophobic out there with the railing right up against ringside. AJ hits the springboard firearm. He is rolling.

-I thought what this finish run did really well is build around the Styles Clash. AJ has always been very good about making his finish the centerpiece of the match. You will see him attempt it three times. After the springboard forearm, Pele Kick, from the top rope. Each time Angle has a different counter. The tension becomes can Styles hit the Styles Clash rather than Will Angle kick out. That is much more productive tension.

-The symmetry was great as always in an AJ match. AJ belly flopped on a springboard 450 (Angle moved way too soon). AJ had counters for the Angle Slam like Angle had for Styles Clash. They each stole the others finish for nearfalls, which while great symmetry I didn't like the spots.

-This is TNA so the actual finish sucked. AJ was going for his home run: Spiral Tap. Angle races up ropes & hits Angle Slam. 1-2-NO! Good nearfall. Angle ankle lock with grapevine! Flair pulls out the ref. AJ taps. Angle is pissed. Flair throws in the belt and AJ whacks him and wins.

What the fuck was that finish? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense if AJ hit the Styles Clash which he was trying to hit all match and have Angle kick out. Now he has impetus to cheat. He threw out his best shot and now needs to do something underhanded to win the match. So he asks Flair for help. This way the whole time was face vs face and this feels so forced and tacked. AJ lost fair & square. Why the hell did Flair wait for the finish? I hate that convenient timing! Instead Flair tries to help earlier but AJ hits or tells him no but once the Styles Clash doesn't work he changes his mind. Cmon this is not that hard!!!

Finish left a real bad taste in my mouth but everything before that was great work and the most enjoyable AJ vs Angle match I've seen. ***1/2

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