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[2001-02-17-WWF-Metal] Crash Holly vs Low Ki


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A rematch, of sorts, from last year with Kevin Kelly actually acknowledging that they’ve seen Ki previously on Metal (although no coming out second and entrance music for him this time!)  Crash sidesteps a charging Ki, sending him face first into the turnbuckles before taking him down with a drop toe hold.  An innovative take on the full nelson from a reverse stump puller position.  A couple of near falls and as both men fight to get the advantage on the back slide, Crash flips over and hits a ‘Rude Awakening’ neckbreaker for a two.  Ki ducks a clothesline, whips Crash into the corner and nails him with a handspring kick to the head.  Jawbreaker to escape the rear chinlock before Crash fires away with some forearms.  A lariat takes Ki off his feet, but in a reversal of fortunes from earlier, a drop toe hold then sends Crash crashing head first into the middle turnbuckle.  Tornado DDT is countered with an inverted atomic drop, tornado bulldog by Crash and for the second time in just over three months he picks up a win over Low Ki.

Despite this lasting less than three and a half minutes, Metal continues to deliver fun stuff.  Ki didn’t get as much of the match here as he did back in October, although looked crisper and didn’t screw anything up this time.  Is it a coincidence that they put him in with the shortest member of the roster again?  Ki’s got a few more appearances on Metal to come this year (twice against Essa Rios and bizarrely against Raven) so will look forward to seeing how he does in those matches.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2001-02-17-WWF-Metal] Crash Holly vs Low Ki

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