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Poll for 11/06/06; Kevin Federline

Guest HTQ

What do you think about Kevin Federline working angles with John Cena  

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    • I am totally fine with it
    • I am totally against it
    • I am fine with it but...
    • I am against it but...
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Guest The Original HTQ

The Kevin Federline vs. John Cena angle keeps going, and a confrontation between the two seems certain. Whether that will be a rap battle or an actual match, which is unlikely, we don't know. What we do know is that something is building up between them, the only question being how it will conclude, if it gets chance to.


What we also know is that K-Fed's first appearance spiked the ratings by over a 1 million viewers. This sent people into a frenzy and they were wanting more of K-Fed. However, we also know his second appearance gained only around 250,000 viewers, showing that he drew curiosity and not much else.


Where do you want this to go? Do you want it to keep going until possibly Wrestlemania, or do you want the storyline to end as soon as possible?

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Not only do I have no problem with it, but I actively like it and think it's a good move. I think the key to making it something they can work with long-term is to make K-Fed a heel manager with a big stable instead of building toward a Cena/K-Fed showdown, or doing it as a comedy match if they get that far. K-Fed may be the biggest heel in modern pop culture. It translates to wrestling well. His music career will probably fade away pretty quickly, and the tabloids will eventually stop caring about him. He's a decent interview that would only get better with experience and this may be a career for him, just because he's so easy to hate and isn't even asking for big money.


I don't think the ratings are quite as important at this stage, but I do think his appearances should be hyped well. I'd like to see some type of fake shoot somewhere in the mainstream media, and I'd rather them try to make him the next Andy Kaufman than the next challenger for Cena.


A great way to get one of the generic monsters they have laying around over is to debut them on TV as K-Fed's bodyguard and put them into a program with Cena right out of the gate.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

I'm fine with it, and totally dug his first appearance, but I have my doubts that WWE creative can keep it interesting and fresh in a month from now. So, while I have no problem with his Cena feud, I'm not sure that he should stick around to be a heel manager after his first rap battle and/or match. Though as long as he doesn't do or say anything too stupid with wifey, he'd always give the WWE at least a thin connection to the outside world they can exploit later on.

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

Though as long as he doesn't do or say anything too stupid with wifey

And just a day after me posting that, Britney files for divorce. I must've jinxed the poor bastard. :)
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