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1995-06-11-WWF-East Rutherford NJ


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World Wrestling Federation
June 11, 1995
East Rutherford, NJ

No review yet.

  1. Jean-Pierre Lafitte vs Duke Droese
  2. Adam Bomb vs Henry Godwinn
  3. WWF Women's Title: Alundra Blayze (c) vs Bertha Faye
  4. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs Aldo Montoya
  5. WWF World Tag Team Titles: Owen Hart & Yokozuna (c) vs Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn)
  6. Skip vs Doink the Clown
  7. WWF Intercontinental Title: Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Savio Vega
  8. Shawn Michaels & Bam Bam Bigelow vs Tatanka & Kama
  9. Undertaker vs Sid

Bold matches are PWO recommended.

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