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[2001-05-12-Toryumon] Ryo Saito vs Sumo Fuji Dandy


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Saito starts off hot with a nice dive and follows up.  Sumo turns it around using his power.  I have never liked the liberal interference of TARU in early CMAX.  I guess it got them over as something difference.  I wish Saito would fight back a little more, just get a few shots in and get cut off instead of taking it over and over.  Brutal looking apron nodowa by Fuji.  Korakuen seems to want to like Saito (the underdog), but he's just not doing enough to grab them.  His two comebacks both seem kind of tepid.  Upset win for Saito as he gets a special move rollup thingy, pretty sudden but I guess most roll-ups are.  Crowd dug the finish.  Underdogs going over in Korakuen is always going to get a reaction though. 

Honestly Sumo looks like twice the wrestler Saito is in this match and my thoughts on Saito even a few years later put him closer than that.  Decent match but disappointing.

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