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[2001-02-03-IWA-MS-1st House of Hardcore Anniversary] Ian Rotten vs Shank Dorsey (Falls Count Anywhere, Fans Bring the Weapons)


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Shank jumps Ian the moment he turns his back on him, trying to do better than he did a week ago.  He starts acting as though he’s doing him from behind, making him his prison bitch if you want, when Ian back fists him in the jaw.  The Rotten clubbing clothesline, before he tears Shank’s shirt so he can feel the full effect of his chops.  Out to the floor and Ian blitzes him with a chair.  He’s about to brain him again when he spots someone has brought a kitchen sink with them, so uses that instead.  There’s a light tube cabin at ringside, which I was waiting for someone to go through in the previous tag match, that Ian hiptosses Shank into.  Cover on the concrete is kicked out of.  Shank rakes Ian across the face, grabs a tack covered bat and clubs him around the head with it.   He breaks a light tube over his head then digs in one of the shards, both now men now bleeding.  Rotten snapmares Shank into what remains of that cabin.  The barbed wire baseball bat comes into play and the barbed wire tennis racket is back too, Shank being the one to use it this time.  Ian staples Shank in the groin.  They return to the ring and it looked like Shank tried a sidewalk slam onto some light tubes but they ended up just falling on the.  He starts climbing the turnbuckles for a moonsault when Ian snatches him and hits a Burning Hammer for the win.  Post-match Shank chokes him with his chain, still wanting some more it would seem.

A bloody Ian has some closing words, thanking everyone for being part of the biggest paid date in IWA history, which, amongst other things, means they can pay their rent on time!  He puts over the Lynn/Cabana bout as one of the greatest “wrestling” matches in IWA history and hopes the fans will keep supporting them and pack the place again for the 3/3 show that will feature the debut of The Sandman.  There are some digs at Jim Cornette and OVW, saying how he didn’t need any has beens like Steve Austin coming in to help sell his show.  Last of all, despite beating him twice already, he challenges Shank again, this time to his specialty, the barbed wire bat match.    

Kinda as I expected when they made the match last week, in that this was very similar to it.  Clubbing clothesline, sick chair shot, lots of weapons and Ian equally as dominant.  Surprisingly they didn’t make full use of the ‘falls count anywhere’ stipulation with only one pinfall attempt outside of the ring.  This was fine, but if you watched the previous match it’s not really worth watching this, however if you want to watch one, I’d say this because it’s a tad bloodier and also due to the bumps into the light tube cabin.

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