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[1992-04-19-WWF-Sheffield, ENG] Randy Savage vs Shawn Michaels


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Savage vs HBK has always been considered a dream match, but it did happen a few times during WWF's European tour in April 1992. Sure, it's not prime Savage and Michaels isn't quite at the level that he would eventually reach, but it's still worth going out your way to see. I could watch Michaels bump off the ring post and turnbuckle all day. This being his first big singles match, he goes all out to get himself over. There's a spot where he counters a hip toss by using the momentum to land on his feet and you can see few faces in the crowd stare in awe. Sherri might just be my favourite manager of all time. She's a heat magnet and works well with whoever she's paired with. She gets involved in this throughout the match and is taken out the match when Elizabeth shoves her over the ropes. Savage, outside of a few big dives, is working this in house show mode. It's understandable, but it doesn't put a damper on the match too much. I'm glad this match happened, but I'd loved to see what these guys could do with each other if they worked a full program. 


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