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[2001-02-26-WWF-Raw] Chris Jericho vs Raven


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The former Hardcore champion says that after cementing his status as the greatest Hardcore champion of all time he has decided to expand his repertoire of the Raven Effect.  Before he does though he would like everyone to take a bit of time and reflect on what their favourite Hardcore moment of his was.  As he starts to run down a few of his, he’s interrupted by Y2J.  Jericho has some favourite "Raisin" (sic) Hardcore moments of his own, although his consist of things like when Raven received a swirly in a urine filled toilet!  There is very little to this, a bit of back and forth and when Jericho looks like he’s about to turn Raven over into the Walls, Ninja Lady runs out carrying a 2x4 to distract him.  Molly Holly shows up to counter but Ninja Lady kicks her away.  Raven holds Jericho for the Even Flow DDT and tells Ninja Lady to hit him, instead though she hits Raven.  That looked like a double cross to me.  Jericho with the Lionsault and he retains the I-C title.  Ninja Lady is trying to console Raven when she’s attacked by Molly who is going for her mask.  Raven manages to pull her from the ring in time, all we see being a bit of Ninja Lady’s hair.

Me thinks it will be some time yet before Raven starts expanding that repertoire of his.  Ninja Lady clocking Raven with the 2x4 looked really bad as I genuinely thought she had double crossed him, it didn’t look accidental in the slightest.

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