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[2001-02-28-CZW-Destruction in Dover] Justice Pain vs Nick Berk


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Z-Barr is announced as the special guest referee, not only doesn’t that bode well for us getting a clean finish, it also leads to some pretty awful homophobic abuse from the fans towards him.  They later start chanting “slit your wrists” and “end your life”, which considering I’m watching this the day after Hana Kimura took her own makes it even more uncomfortable than normal.  “Justice Steroid” chant at Pain.  Barr is staying impartial for the time being, although he’s so loud and animated he’s diverting attention away from the wresters.  Berk with a German suplex for a two.  Drop toe hold from which he transitions to a variation of the Mutalock, Justice grabbing the ropes for the break.  The constant abuse of Barr is every bit as off putting.  This is real co-operative looking.  Frog splash by Berk.  Justice blocks the backslide and dumps Berk over the top rope to the outside.  A reckless looking Asai moonsault.  Berk reverses the whip on the floor, Justice flying through the Emergency Exit door into the parking lot.  Shame we had the exact same fighting outside the building in the previous match.  Justice gets thrown into and over a car but is able to get the jump on Berk by hiding out of view.  Suplex on the concrete!  The actual concrete!  Back in the building they return to the ring and Pain with a slingshot splash.  Blockbuster, but Barr is counting super slow on the cover, backing up my initial thoughts that he would probably be favouring Berk due to the fact he was clapping him on his introduction.  Dangerous as hell Backdrop Driver.  Z-Barr is now doing up his shoe laces rather than doing his job, so he decks him.  Tajiri is out, he hits a handspring elbow followed by a brainbuster to Pain and then drags Berk on top.  Barr fast counts the cover and we have a new CZW World champion.

It’s the same tiresome heel ref concept under another form (in that Barr is there to screw Justice Pain, who I think is a heel, although it’s not always obvious in CZW).  The crowd were disgraceful, quite possibly the worst we’ve seen so far in the project, and that’s saying something considering the abuse the Backstreet Boyz were getting on shows last year.  To leave things on a positive note, that Backdrop Driver looked dangerous as hell, a real potential neck breaker.

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