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[2001-03-05-WCW-Nitro] Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Shane Helms


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Recap of some recent altercations between the two, Scott Hudson thinking that Helms has gotten under the skin of the Cruiserweight champion who maybe feeling that the title is slipping through his fingers.  New entrance for Helms, both the ‘Vertebreaker’ song along with some dancing girls.  That’s a huge sign for him.  Chavo gets the jump before the bell, lifting Helms off his feet with a European uppercut.  Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Shane before clotheslining the champion over the top rope to the outside.  Great froggy crossbody, Helms getting some air on that one.  Shane is about to springboard back into the ring when he’s pulled down by Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper, hitting his face on the apron.  That explains what Chavo was doing earlier watching their match, clearly wanting some more substantial backup after Johnny Swinger & Jason Lee had failed on Thunder. Chavo with a baseball slide followed by a pescado.  Back inside he takes Shane’s head off with a lariat.  Romeo & Skipper are staying at ringside, Elix hooking Helms’s ankle when he starts fighting back.  Scott Hudson wonders why they’re allowed to stay out there and why Charles Robinson isn’t sending them to the back.  Robinson is late on the Helms backslide as he’s busy speaking to Elix & Kid, Shane then reiterates those very sentiments to him.  Sugar Smack.  He makes out as if he’s going to run at Chavo but instead nails Skipper & Romeo with a flip dive out onto the pair.  High crossbody to Chavo.  Romeo enters the ring but gets thrown to the floor.  With Robinson now looking at Kid, Skipper and Chavo hit the Hart Attack on Shane.   Similarly to the O’Haire/Luger match I have no idea how the official has didn’t see/couldn’t hear this interference.  A brainbuster seals the win in what was a non-title match up.

It beggars belief that Helms would be given that huge new entrance and then in his first match with it does the job here.  This was non-title anyway so give him the win after overcoming the three on odds.  Like we’re supposed to care that he’s got a PPV match against Chavo after this?  Another WCW official made to look like an idiot too with how this went.

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