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[2001-03-15-WWF-Smackdown] Test vs Eddy Guerrero


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Test defending the European title against Eddy Guerrero in a match made by new Commissioner William Regal earlier in the day.  Eddy had gone to see him wanting a rematch against Chris Benoit, the Commissioner, still holding a grudge over losing the belt to Test, had other ideas.  He tells him to let bygones be bygones and that in his eyes he’s a champion.  A champion deserves a championship match, so he gives him one against Test, a man who, Regal states, has been besmirching both himself and the European title!  Perry Saturn and Terri are both seconding Guerrero for this match.  Eddy jumps Test from behind, the elbow only stunning him so he dropkicks him in the legs to take him off his feet.  Slingshot senton.  Test reverses the Irish whip, Eddy ducks under the big boot but not the clothesline.  He presses the challenger skywards, Eddy coming down chest first to the mat.  Gut wrench powerbomb.  Eddy avoids the charge and gets a quick roll up for a near fall.  The Commissioner is shown watching on in his office, liking what he sees.  Test ends up going over the top rope, Eddy keeping the ref tied up while Saturn attacks him before throwing him back inside.  Snug European uppercut followed by a stiff knife edge chop.  Another Irish whip is reversed, this time Test with a great tilt-a-whirl slam.  The speed on the rotation was something else.  As he unloads on him in the corner, Saturn is up on the apron holding the European belt.  Test drags Saturn inside, turning his attention to him, the official trying to separate the two.  Eddy picks up the belt poised, when out form the back runs Chris Jericho who snaps him across the top rope.  Big boot by Test and much to William Regal’s chagrin, he retains the European title.

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