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[2001-10-14-BattlARTS-BattlARTS vs The World] Kazunari Murakami vs Dos Caras Jr


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It’s like Caras is trying to confuse Murakami with his Lucha forward rolls and bouncing off the ropes.  He throws a dropkick which is just weird in this environment.  Lovely belly to back suplex followed by a gut wrench.  He gets the mount and starts paint brushing Murakami before applying an armbar, Kaz going to the ropes.  Caras kicks him to the floor and Kaz has a look on his face that says “I’m going to fuck you up”.  On getting back into the ring that’s exactly what he does with punches, kicks and knee strikes, the cumulative effect of those dropping Dos.  Murakami goes for the mask, eventually pulling it off Caras’ head on the outside.  An official and a second are immediately covering Dos’ face as he puts the mask back on.  That’s riled Caras up and he lands another of those textbook belly to bellys.  Running flying headbutt straight out of Lucha Libre.  Kaz fires  back with more kicks, backing Caras into the corner where he again starts ripping at his mask.  When the referee tries to pull him off, Murakami gives him a Judo throw for the DQ.  A bunch of seconds then hop into the ring to separate the pair.

I just found this bizarre, what with Caras doing this Lucha Libre pro wrestling stuff in a shoot style promotion.  His belly to back suplexes are very nice though so I can give him that.  The match was nothing and Murakami was clearly pulling his stuff, bar that one punt to the face.

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