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[1993-04-04-WWF-Wrestlemania IX] Mr Perfect vs The Narcissist


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Perfect himself said he had an off-day and fucked up this match and it shows. It's completely uninteresting, although that could just be as Luger is leading the match and Perfect character doesn't exactly allow him to work as a face fighting from underneath. Luger's entrance with the bikini-clad women and mirrors was great, as was Perfect flubbing his words in the pre-match promo and accidently calling his opponent 'the Lexissist'. This went on for ten minutes and felt like twenty. I'm sure if the heel and face roles were reversed, this would of been a great showing. 


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  • 3 years later...

Lex Luger vs Mr. Perfect - WWF WrestleMania IX

The first match I have ever watched from the ignominious WrestleMania IX card. Probably the only non-squash Narcissist match I’ll watch; I don’t really have any interest in watch Luger vs Crush or another Luger vs Tatanka match. From a presentational standpoint the Narcissist is a much better fit for Luger but I didn’t feel a significant difference in ring work. It is interesting that they really hyped Luger KO’ing Bret with his Bionic Forearm in the morning. It was clear until Hogan jumped ship that was the plan. I think Luger would have been better off but not Bret. 

As for the match, I thought it was fine but nothing all that great. Perfect threw some stuff strikes in this that got me and JR’s attention that gave it a Crockett feel for a second. I liked Perfect’s shine with knee lift and a great dropkick (that hurdle was PERFECT). The heel in peril leg work that didn’t go anywhere was strange. Luger’s back work coming off the hard buckle bump was solid. The comeback was interesting it was just a string of hope spots that turned into a comeback which was cool in organic. I thought Perfect looked pretty good on offense. The strangest part of the match was neither even teased their finish. There was no real near fall so to speak. They are tussling over a backslide Luger wins but Hennig’s feet were on the ropes. A strange finish to protect Hennig. 

It feels little incomplete. Luger KO’s Hennig with the Bionic Forearm. Hennig just gets up and follows Luger to the back where Luger is talking to Shawn Michaels. Shawn takes it upon himself to beat the shit out of Perfect to kick off their Summerslam program. Weird. It totally undercuts Luger’s Bionic Forearm to have Perfect recover so quickly. Michaels totally overreacts to beat the shit out of Perfect. There was a better way to get there. 

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