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[1996-03-31-WWF-Wrestlemania XII] Savio Vega vs Steve Austin


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Vega and Austin kick this one off with some great brawling. Sadly, this stops being interesting once the action simmers down. Lawler and McMahon stop caring about this once Roddy Piper calls into the arena. We then go to the infamous OJ Simpson chase footage masquerading as Piper chasing down Goldust. I still have no idea why they would use that footage as it borders on tasteless and it's wasn't even funny. The finish of this was also lame. Austin nails Vega with Dibiase's Million Dollar belt when the referee is down, and locks in a sleeper which gives Austin the win after the referee finally wakes up and drops Vega's arm three times. The entire ending sequence went on for too long and Austin should of just pinned Vega after the belt shot. 

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