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[2002-10-11-CMLL] Satanico vs Damian 666

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One thing I find underwhelming about 2002 CMLL is that the single matches don't deliver like they ought to. I'm slowly starting to accept that CMLL is sliding closer toward having basic TV matches than the blowoff matches of ole. That said, this a well-worked bout. Damian jumped Satanico by running through the crowd and they basically pounded on each other for a solid five minutes. Satanico was fired up and the crowd fed off that energy. I didn't have huge expectations for this, so I was glad to see them work such a tight match. Satanico laid down the challenge for a hair match, and as we've seen with 2002 CMLL, the build up to these types of matches has been strong but the payoffs have been weak. We'll see if Satanico and Damian can take  it up a notch. It's mystifying that despite some fairly solid booking by CMLL standards, we're still not seeing better singles matches. 

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