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[1989-11-19-AJPW] Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu vs Terry Gordy & Bill Irwin

Superstar Sleeze

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Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu vs Terry Gordy & Bill Irwin - AJPW 11/19/89

I do not understand why but Hansen & Tenryu have become a regular team, when Hansen teaming with a fellow gaijin and Tenryu teaming with a Revolution team member makes more sense. This left Terry Gordy out in the cold. I wonder if they wanted to elevate Gordy to the level of Hansen so he needed to have have his own team. Wild Bill Irwin is someone I have seen very little of so this caught my eye. I believe this is the beginning of the 1989 Real World Tag League. Late 80s All Japan Tag stream of consciousness:

Irwin and Hansen have a bullrope vs bullwhip fight that leads to an out of control tussle outside the ring! This is definitely off to a rollicking start. Hansen still has his assless chaps on. I love how he grabs that headlock and brings him over to Tenryu. Tenryu lariat on Irwin who kicks out and tags out. Tenryu Enziguiri on Gordy repeatedly but Gordy shrugs them off and shouldertackle. Gordy tries for a powerbomb but Tenryu powers out. Gordy lariat. Hansen breaks up the cover as Hansen is wont to do. Gordy smashes Tenryu into Irwin's knee. Irwin hits a Scissors Kick and Hansen saves again. I was not expecting that all from Irwin especially in jeans. Gordy hits the suplex. Cowboys in Japan just feels right. Gordy is obsessed with the powerbomb and Tenryu powers out again. Again into Irwin's boot. Tenryu bullies IRWIN INTO Hansen. Double Shoudlerblock on Iriwn. Hansen bodslam elbow combination. IRWIN GOUGES the eyes. Hanse tags out. Tenryu reverse elbow bowls Irwin over. Wicked chop on Irwin. Gordy saves. Gutwrench suplex by Irwin. Irwin slams Tenryu into Gordy's boot. Tenryu tags in Gordy. HANSEN VS GORDY~! Big meaty tussle! They are throwing haymakers! Gordy clothesline gets two. Irwin tags in and clubbers Hansen who sells on his feet. Cross chop to throat fells Hansen. Hansen kicks out. Hansen punt on telegraphed back body drop. Tags in Tenryu. Tenryu enziguiri ad Irwin does a Flair Flop bump. Gordy saves. This is a solid Hoss Fight. Hansen tags in and as Tenryu holds him and Hansen big boot. Hansee keen drop. Hansen chinlcok. Irwin another Scissor Kick but Hansen tags out. Tenryu beats him back into the corner and Hansen is pissed and embarrassed gets more licks in. Tenryu suplex out of the cornre. Tenryu front chancery but Gordy breaks it up. Irwin gets the big boot up in the corner and tags in Gordy by bringing Tenryu overt to slam Tenryu into the knee of Irwin. Gordy dropkick! Tenryu gets up knee in corner somersault tag in Hansen. Rushing in Elbow and bodyslam and misses elbow drop. Gordy slams him into Irwin's buckles. Iwrin comes in and attacks Hansen. Irwin wrangles Hansen into a front chancery. No Tenryu save.

Hansen shoulderblocks in the corner. Hansen tags in Tenryu after slamming Irwin into Tenryu knee. Wicked slashing chops by Tenryu to Irwin as Hansen holds. Gordy needs to get in there. Hansen whips Tenryu into a Footloose Lariat. Tenryu abdominal stretch on Irwin but Gordy saves. Gordy tags in. Gordy slugs Tenryu in the corner. Irwin attacks Tenryu in corner. Irwin misses the charge in corner. Hansen tags in. Gordy tackles Hansen off Irwin thats how you break a pin, take notes kids! Nice tussle there but Hanse gets Gordy out. Tenryu misses Top Rope Reverse Elbow. Gordy, who is not legal, just comes in and tries to hit that Powerbomb but Hansen  breaks it up. Irwin wants a Northern Lights but Tenryu powerbombs Irwin and Gordy saves. Tenryu tries again...Gordy shoves Tenryu backwards. Irwin is sitting on Tenryu cheat. WESTERN FUCKING LARIAT! AWESOME FINISH! Gordy is late on the save and that was an excellent finish. Hansen breaks up the Gordy/Tenryu brawl post-match as if he friends with both of them thats interesting. 

They kept Hansen vs Gordy to a minimum which was interesting I wonder if they wanted to really save that as a big money match. Irwin got a lot of time thought he was a solid hand. Standard Late 80s All Japan tag structure with very frequent tagging but this was a good hoss fight. Loved the finish! ***1/2

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