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[2004-01-10-ROH-The Battle Lines Are Drawn] Homicide vs AJ Styles

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This was a good match. It was a Styles match, so it was work rate driven, but that's okay because I like work rate Homicide. It wasn't a huge, epic match. Instead, it was a smarter, tightly contained bout that played to the strengths of both men. There were a lot of counters and reversals, but also some cool punches and forearm strikes. Homicide took himself out with a tope con hilo into the crowd, but continued with the match. I'm not sure if he was legit hurt, or it was just a way to make him look strong in defeat, but either way he was too shook to beat Styles. We've gotta talk about Homicide's tope con hilo, though. It may have been a little self-hazardous, but what a badass move. 

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