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[1995-02-19-WCW-SuperBrawl V] Randy Savage & Sting vs Big Bubba Rogers & Avalanche


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I'm surprised this only got ten minutes, but also thankful that it did. This is worked with some pace, with a hot crowd, by four workers who know how to work big/small like the back of their hand. It's nothing special, but arguably the best match on the show.


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Randy Savage & Sting vs Avalanche & Big Bubba Roger’s - WCW Superbrawl V

It is a warm day in New England so let’s get back at it! This match way over delivers! Wicked fun and very entertaining! So simple but so effective. This match is a real testament to the fundamentals of character work and joy.

Each wrestler understands who they are and doesn’t deviate it from that. The match doesn’t get bogged down in a pointless heat segment. Everyone and their mother knows the babyfaces are going to win so let’s just have some fun. That is what is missing from wrestling more than anything else today and that is fun & joy. Not comedy, there was only one comedy spot on this match, but rather this match just made you smile. 

Avalanche demonstrates how power advantage over Sting but Sting has been in this situation before and he has got heart, folks! Sting works on chopping the big man down with clotheslines. Bubba cheats and grabs him while he is running the ropes. They don’t belabor this. Next thing you know the babyfaces ping pong Bubba who plays it to the hilt doing his seesaw spot in the middle rope. Savage nails his patented double axe handle. Savage slaps Avalanche. That spot got so much heat. That’s pro wrestling, baby! Savage slaps him again but Avalanche is just too damn big to slam. So Avalanche misses a splash in the corner and Savage & Sting take turns teeing off on him. Sting slams Avalanche to big pop. Bubba punches and Sting falls headfirst right into Avalanche’s Snowballs (Tony it is as right there). Savage drills Bubba with the Big Elbow and Sting top rope crossbody on Avalanche with a tabletop assist from Bubba for the win.

Id remiss not to mention that retired Ric Flair is in the front row and him Savage got into it a bunch setting something up down the line. 

Loved this match. It is a Summer Action Movie Blockbuster where the crowd and me were just pop pop popping all over the place not everything has to be an athletic marvel or a heavy comeback story. Sometimes it is just alright to have fun *** 1/2

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