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[04-03-28-NJPW-King Of Sports] Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazunari Murakami (Cage)

Superstar Sleeze

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U-30 Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazunari Murakami - NJPW Steel Cage Death Match 3/28/04

So there's so much unpack this. For first off, this is Empty Arena. There's no referee really. It is a steel cage match that I would say the finish is in style of Alley Fight. It is one of those Inokiist absurdities that can only exist and work in his universe. The U-30 (Under 30) Championship was a title invented for Tanahashi for him to be pushed as the main Young Lion, the only other champion would be Nakamura who won the IWGP title in late 2003 and was always Tanahashi's biggest rival for Ace. Murakami is a amazing cocky, violent, mean shooter with Tasmanian Devil Tornado energy. He is terrific. He has this wild eyed look in his eye that makes you believe at any point he could snap and go into business for himself. 

Unfortunately, I watched this in the morning and didnt get a chance to write the review until 12 hours later. This match is terrific. I got on Twitter immediately sounded the sirens for a Hidden Gem alert. After watching this match, I felt like IMMMMMM BAAAAACCKKKKKK! I never want to leave. I think for Tanahashi haters (I am one of the biggest Tanahashi fans in the world) they would still like this match because Tanahashi brings the violence and stiffness early. I was surprised he overwhelmed Murakami early and throw a German. Murakami took the advantage on the outside using the steel cage. Murakami jaws with an old timer who ends up playing the role of ref later on in the match. Tanahashi takes control and when someone enters the ring he kicks them off. Murakami takes back over and commits legalized bloody murder in the ring. 

Let me repeat that for those in the back...MURAKAMI COMMITS LEGALIZED BLOODY MURDER IN THE RING! HE PUMMELS TANAHASHI INTO A BLOODY PULP! It is fucking sick. I just watched it back and actually it was Murakami's headbutts that made him bleed hardway and SQUIRT BLOOD ALL OVER TANAHASHI! WOW! Seconds come in and Tanahashi's beats up Murakami's second. Tanahashi makes a comeback with Germans and Dragon Suplex. Murakami BITES Tanahashi in a last ditch attempt! There is blood everywhere! I dont whose it whose. Tanahashi ends up standing up on Murakami's neck with all this body weight CRUSHING Murakami's head into the Cage and that's the finish! A match unlike any others I have seen, the close comparison is probably the Alley Fight between Patterson & Sarge. So unique! ****1/4

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [04-03-28-NJPW-King Of Sports] Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazunari Murakami (Cage)

I remember watching this for Murakami content and I felt like the match would've been great IF there was a crowd reacting to it. That's the one thing that for me really undervalues this, because you aren't getting that insane energy that Mura matches need to really fuel themselves to the next level. It's a shame because this is one of the few times where Tana actually feels like he's on the edge of going completely off the deep end, and you'd argue he got there here lol. I feel like if we had the crowd for this from the Otani 2007 bloodbath/brain damage fest it would be remembered better. Still a stellar outing as you put very well above 






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