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[2001-06-14-Zero-One-Shingeki] Shinya Hashimoto vs Tom Howard

Superstar Sleeze

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Shinya Hashimoto vs Tom Howard - Zero-One 6/14/03

After using Misawa on his first two big shows, Hashimoto taps Tom Howard for the main event of his third big show and they do 8000+ in Osaka. Tom Howard, Tom Howard, Tom Howard. Where have I heard that name before? Oh that’s the right he’s the UPW guy who trained John Cena among others. He was better than I expected. He kinda felt like a fake Kung Fu guy like Seagal or what have you but he was actually pretty good in the ring. Unfortunately his look is pretty normal and he doesn’t have much in the way of charisma. Of course Hashimoto has charisma out the yin Yang. Hashimoto went to So Cal to debut one of his Japanese protégés. Things got testy and Hashimoto and Howard ended up in a brawl to set this up.

I never really thought of what the aim of Zero-One was. I just kinda assumed it was Hashimoto not wanting to deal with the Inokiist bullshit. It looks like he liked the Inokiist style he just wanted to be the Ace and didn’t cede that to a legit shooter which is smart. Plus he brought Naoya Ogawa. Tom Howard feels like a martial arts practitioner that Inoki would’ve vanquished in the 70s. They stand and bang to start. Good stand up. Really good. Hashimoto throws a wild on and Howard gets behind with a Full Nelson. Steps on the knee to takedown Hashimoto. Howard’s execution and movement is good. He takes Hashimoto down again from behind using a Full Nelson. Hashimoto regroups and tries traditional wrestling but on a rope break Howard slugs him! Good heel heat and takes the match up a notch. Howard wrestled well on top and got a lot of offense. Hashimoto gets a comeback started By going into the clinch and shoving Howard into the buckles. SPINNING BACK FIST! DDT! Now Hash is rocking! Characteristic kicks. Howard connects with a wild round house kick to the head for his last near fall, Howard goes careening over the top turnbuckle to the floor on a wild spinning heel kick. Sick bump. LEG SWEEP~! Kinda and step over toehold by Hashimoto to win it.

Pretty enjoyable match. I see why Howard was asked back but he feels more like a midcard act than a main eventer, ***1/4

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [2001-06-14-Zero-One-Shingeki] Shinya Hashimoto vs Tom Howard

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