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[2003-01-19-AJPW 2nd Wrestle-1] Keiji Mutoh & Goldberg vs KroniK

Superstar Sleeze

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Keiji Mutoh & Goldberg vs Kronik - AJPW/Wrestle-1 01/19/03 Tokyo Dome

I dont know what was wrong with WCW 2000 but Kronik vs Goldberg drew 20,000, I guess Russo just needed to book Mutoh. Not only is this Kronik's last match together, this both Bryan Clark's and Brian Adams' last match individually. I would have imagined that Adams wrestled until he died I was surprised to find out he died four years after this, I thought it was around this time. If you asked me if Wrath was still wrestling, I would have guessed yes, shocked he retired so early. Maybe they thought they couldnt top the Tokyo Dome. Not sure if this counts as an All Japan event or a Wrestle-1 event. It was promoted by Keiji Mutoh. This is the second Wrestle-1 event. Kronik did not wrestle at the first one. Goldberg did beating Rick Steiner, which I will skip. Muta vs Bob Sapp was the main event of the first show which I will check out. This is the semi-main with Sapp main eventing against kickboxing rival Ernesto Hoost (based on some Wiki research looks like this was a work).

As for the match, this was another borefest. So the Mutoh/Kea match was clearly the best Kronik match. Goldberg is such a unique presence. He is the Terminator. Not good or evil, just cold steel. They show him walking to the Dome and then he gets dressed and does his usual entrance. He is such a great offensive wrestler and so explosive. This match really did not play to Goldberg's strengths. It should have been half as long. The opening Mutoh/Clark segment was boring. Goldberg's Military Press of Adams was pretty impressive. Adams clothesline Goldberg over the top (Goldberg should not be taking those bumps unless earned). Lame arena brawling ensues. Goldberg hit a great shoulder tackle. Heat segment on Mutoh by Clark was pretty lame. Goldberg back in. He just wrecks fools. Great armbar takedown. Once in the armbar nobody really knows what to do so Clark escapes and just ends up back in it. So lame. Mutoh's hot tag was his usual 2001 schtick: drop kick to the knee, dragon leg screw and figure-4. Back to Goldberg and Kronik hits their Double Chokeslam to get their one nearfall. Mutoh dropkicks to break up the second attempt. Goldberg spears Clark through the table and Jackhammer for the win. 

Goldberg was the best part, but because it was so long he had to do things that were not Goldberg-esque like sell & bump routine spots and repeat spots to fill time. Another weird thing is Goldberg tagging out to Mutoh in desperation. Mutoh only knew how to wrestle his style match and it was a style clash with his partner. Kronik looked pretty good in their first All Japan match but have looked checked out here and their last match. 



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