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Autistic Dragon

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I think we can all agree that Chikara was one of the most unique wrestling companies in American wrestling history. From it's colorful characters to storylines which could last years, it certainly wasn't like anything else in Indy scene in the 2000s and 2010s.

I've never seen a full card but the more I research it, the more fascinating I find it. For those of you who did see it, what did you think? What did you like? What would you have done differently? And what did you think when its doors closed in 2020?

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I watched a bit in the past (mostly out of curiosity/friends recommending it) some good showings here and there but overall the style just wasn't for me. Didn't help you had Quack go through his WoS phase and start pretending like he was some godlike grappler. Will give small credit for them hiring Keita Yano for no real reason to do some jobs.....about it for positive stuff I can rattle off.


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It seems like a lot of stuff has come out in recent years about Quack exploiting wrestlers and being a scumbag, but setting that aside it seems like an admirable passion project. Never followed them closely, but I like how he'd book niche workers/styles without having them make compromises. Him booking Johnny Saint introduced him to a lot of people who'd never seen WoS, for example. Him randomly flying in Kana and some Osaka Pro wrestlers for a show in Kingsport, TN also stands as one of my favorite live experiences.

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