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[2005-04-20-AJPW-Champion Carnival 2005] Toshiaki Kawada vs Kensuke Sasaki

ohtani's jacket

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My expectations for Kawada are so low at this point that I could enjoy this without worrying whether it was any good or not. It's basically an average wrestling match, and instantly forgettable, but easily digestible. I am kind of curious whether it was a physical or mental thing that caused Kawada's decline. You'd have to think that the state All Japan was in played a part. I wonder if Kawada would've been better off freelancing. I suppose popping up places having interesting matches would have been no different to the random collection of opponents he faced as Triple Crown champion. 

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  • ohtani's jacket changed the title to [2005-04-20-AJPW-Champion Carnival 2005] Toshiaki Kawada vs Kensuke Sasaki

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