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[1979-02-06-NJPW] Antonio Inoki vs Mr. x

Superstar Sleeze

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WWF Martial Arts Champion Antonio Inoki vs Mr. X - NJPW 2/6/79

What a shitshow! In a quest to recapture the magic of Muhammad Ali has a bunch of terrible pro wrestler vs martial arts fights. This seems like a precursor to the Different Style Fights they use a Round system. Mr. X is a black man under a mask with a gi and boxing gloves. Mr. X is the shits. Terrible punches and is very uncoordinated. Inoki gives pretty much the whole first round to this chump more than he would give his peers lol. He does the sliding kicks like this guy is Ali or something lol. Eventually Inoki ends the farce with a straight right, Enziguiri and Octopus Stretch which of course gets fucked up because X can’t hold his balance. This goes to a third round. Inoki armdrag and cross armbreaker finishes with no fanfare. Terrible match. Do not watch this. 

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [1979-02-06-NJPW] Antonio Inoki vs Mr. x

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