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[1994-01-22-WWF-Royal Rumble] Razor Ramon vs IRS

Superstar Sleeze

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WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon vs IRS - WWF Royal Rumble 1994

I watched a bunch of Scott Hall around time of his passing, but I must have skipped this one because it is IRS. It is Razor's only meaningful IC Title defense before the Ladder Match with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania X. He defended against Martel and IRS at some Superstars Tapings, but no RAW title defenses and this the only PPV defense of this title reign. 

This is a stopgap feud for Razor between winning the title in October and the Ladder Match at WrestleMania X. IRS repossessed Razor's gold chains due to tax evasion and is holding them in a briefcase. I dont think I really have a problem with Rotundo but he is not good in this match at all. Just watch how he takes the atomic drop or does a snapmare. He is not putting in the effort. He looks and feels like a holdover from the previous generation and is just out of place. Razor is full of vim and vigor. He wrestles a great match unto himself. He SLUGS IRS at one point during the Shine. It was wicked! Razor takes a crazy bump over the top rope to the floor that is downright Dustin-esque. IRS settles for chinlocks. Razor comes back and he looks great. Punches, Sack O Shit, the Back Suplex off the Top. Ref gets bumped through. IRS goes for the briefcase, but Da Bad Guy blasts him with it. Still no ref. Michaels cracks Razor with his bogus IC Title. IRS covers. 1-2-3?!?!?!? WAIT! WHAT? The history books are wrong! Is it going to be a triple threat at WrestleMania?!?!? Wait! There is another ref. Razor hoists IRS up and RAZOR'S EDGE! 1-2-3! THANK GOD!

They threw in some wrinkles down the stretch that I did not expect. I thought this was a great individual performance by Razor, but not enough to get over the average hump. IRS really drags the match down. 


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