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[1995-04-10-WWF-Monday Night RAW] Bret Hart, 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly vs Hakushi, Owen Hart & Yokozuna

Superstar Sleeze

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Bret Hart, 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly vs Hakushi, Owen Hart & Yokozuna - WWF RAW 4/10/95

Pretty typical booking throw Bret/Hakushi who are beefing via the Bret/Lawler feud and glom them onto the burgeoning mini-program between the current Tag Champs Owen Hart & Yokozuna (also perennial Bret rivals) and the former tag champs The Kid & Holly.

This was a fun, breezy 6-man nothing too special but a good time. Shine is almost non-existent pretty standard Bret/Yoko opening. Yoko catches the cross body-> body slam but missed the elbow. Some arm work but Yoko thrusts Holly but tags in Hakushi. Hakushi loses control to Holly who hits stock drop kick. Kid hits his spinning heel kick on Owen but a well-timed knee by Hakushi allows Owen to hit the spin wheel kick. They tag in Yoko to do a nerve pinch and play up the size disparity. Hakushi works his offense in, Owen gets a good back breaker. The best part is Kid gets a reverse crossbody for two; Owen traps the leg to prevent the tag; tags in Yoko; BIG LEG DROP ON THE KID! Significant We Want Bret chants. Kid hits a damn good Powerbomb on Hakushi. Bret does a great house afire on Yoko basically working his standard comeback they he does against Yoko; it comes off well. Bret vs Owen; Owen gets the Enziguiri. On a criss cross Bret tags Holly and dropkicks Owen into a Holly roll up for the win. Nothing too special but write home to your mother up but good fun old school wrestling. *** 1/4 

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