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[1995-05-21 WCW-Slamboree] Sting vs Big Bubba Rogers

Superstar Sleeze

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Sting vs Big Bubba Rogers - WCW Slamboree 1995 Lights Out

The swan song of Bossman in WCW. He does main event the first Nitro against Hogan but he really doesn’t do much after this. They got five months out of the heel turn which is pretty good. Bischoff tries to sell this as some big grudge match as Sting is bringing a table to the ring, but the crowd and I are just not buying it. The crowd is pretty dead until the finish. 

I thought Uncensored match was slightly better structurally and just more uptempo and entertaining. They had enough bells & whistles: table, powder, ties & belts to keep it fun. It did feel heatless. There was nothing wrong with the psychology. The moves they did were well executed and they made sense in the context of the match. I felt the same about Uncensored. Why does these matches top out at good? That’s the magic of truly great pro wrestling. It is HOW they do it. It is the charisma. It is letting you in. Bubba has a terrific right hand. It is one of the best. Sting sells it well. It is about the presentation. There’s just a way that Razor/Hall does that right hand that pulls you in just that much more. It is nothing you could probably teach Bubba or Hall. It is innate. It is something I thought about a lot because I don’t have a lot of criticisms of this match but it is still only good. It is very interesting. 

They opt for a slower start. Sting gets a nice back fist / dropkick combo. Bubba goes to the eyes pretty early. I think a truncated shine was a bad idea. Bubba works that beauty of a right early and often. Bubba goes to the tie to choke out Stinger. Lights Out is just a fancy way of saying No DQ. They brawl on the outside. This is a mid-90s table much hardier and much more fun. Sting turns the tables (pun fully intended) on Bubba slamming him into it. Sting tries his own table spot but he who sets it, gets it. Bubba POWDER into Sting’s eyes and sends him into the table. Wonderful! Lovely transition. Sting missed a Stinger Splash and ears nothing but table. Bubba whips Sting with a belt. Bossman Slam for two. Bubba goes up top but Sting throws him off. Too neat. Wish they came up with something more creative. Stinger Splash from all the way up top. He has a great top rope splash. Double Stomp as the table lays on Bubba. Scorpion Deathlock and that’s all she wrote. 

I guess my major criticism was besides the powder. It was a bit too rote. Too clean, too neat. Just checking boxes. It was good and fun. That’s where it topped out. Onto Sting vs Meng! *** 

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