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[1995-03-04-WCW-Saturday Night] Vader vs The Patriot

Superstar Sleeze

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WCW United States Heavyweight Champion Vader vs The Patriot - WCW Saturday Night 3/4/95

According to Cagematch, this Vader's only defense of the US Title after winning it from Duggan, but there is nary a mention of it on commentary nor did I see the belt with him. There's a Vader/AA vs Patriot/Bagwell match around this time that has gotten some hype, which I liked a good deal. So said why the hell not to this?

At first, I thought it was just mistake, but then he said it again, why does Tony pronounce it "Pay-tree-OTT"? So strange. 

There is a good Vader/Hogan brawl last week that is shown. Having watched a shit ton of WWF '95 from around this time, Hogan vs Vader feels way bigger than Shawn vs Diesel. Unfortunately unlike the great. aforementioned tag, this is an extended squash. Vader pummeled Patriot and Patriot got very little offense. It was a ton of fun to watch Vader do as his kickass offense: the punches in the corner, the Vader Body Attack, Bitchin' Chokeslam, Stiff fucking lariats. Vaderbomb and a normal Powerbomb. It was an excellent squash. One thing I do want to mention is watch how Patriot roars out of the corner with big overhand lefts and Vader blocks tags him back, but Patriot keeps firing away! THAT IS HOW YOU TRADE PUNCHES!!! What the fuck has happened in the last 15 years? No one can do Stand & Bang well anymore! Watch this! Replicate this! Way more heat! 

Hogan comes out for no apparent reason and starts whipping & choking Vader with a strap. Jimmy Hart chases Flair off, lol. The Nasties & Duggan pull Hogan off. It was pretty standard stuff. Hogan vs Vader clearly sells itself. Honestly adding Flair to the mix was the only addition really necessary that made it feel bigger. Nothing anyone needs to see, but Vader kicking the shit out of someone is always fun. 

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [1995-03-04-WCW-Saturday Night] Vader vs The Patriot

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