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Ciclon Ramirez RIP

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He was an important part of the wrestling landscape for only a few years, but to see him once, as the saying goes, was to never forget him.

Fans from the TV boom period still fondly remember the Saetas del Ring even though they generally just wrestled matches that opened the TV shows. His big push happened after AAA formed and CMLL business started circling the drain, but the mask match with Felino nonetheless stood out as a major event in those rough years. In a lot of ways he was the quintessential luchador whose career could never recover from his unmasking. In an ideal world his career would have gone better, but he was a guy whose legend outstripped his kayfabe accomplishments. I think that's something we'd all like in the end, to be much more than the sum total of what we've done. He'd recently taken to referring to himself as "el rey del tope." Who could ever have challenged that?

I am sad. RIP, Celso Reyes.

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