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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Nothing beats watching old All Japan tapes, and listening to Akira Fukuzawa scream, "Count of three, count of three!!!", at the top of his voice.

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I should probably mention here that my girlfriend is a non-wrestling fan, but much rather prefers it when I'm watching Japanese matches over North American matches.



You'll find that happening a lot with people who consider American wrestling a joke because of its over-the-top nature. To watch wrestling with the actual wrestling at the forefront, rather than absurd skits and angles, and with the wrestling treated as a sport and with a lot of respect, it makes Japanese wrestling more appealing to people who don't want their intelligence insulted, and, like Loss said, once they get over the non-English commentary, they're usually hooked, if only because it's treated like a sport.
On top of all that, my lady appreciates the Japanese crowd an awful lot and they way they both respect and react to the matches. That's another factor in her approval of my watching Japanese wrestling.
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